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Tongeren, 3700, Belgium

TurboBlend 46


Lubricant Oil TURBOBLEND-46

AAP1405340-00294 TurboBlend-46, 5 gallon (19 Liters) pail, AAP1405340-00295 TurboBlend-46, 55 gallon (210 liters) drum, AAMB797385-00001 TurboTrac test kit comes with 4 bottles. To order LUBRICANT OIL TURBOBLEND_46 please contact us

Available on backorder


Original Ingersoll Rand Compressor Oil

TurboBlend 46, 55 gallon (210 liters) drum is shipped globally by AVISTA LLC directly from Ingersoll Rand warehouse. It is the only lubricant formulated specifically for MSG TURBO-AIR, MSG, Cameron, Cooper and Joy Centrifugal Compressors. TB 46 won’t break down in critical seal areas or cause varnish deposits. Seals will last longer and work better, reducing maintenance costs.

Part Numbers Description:

  • AAP1405340-00294 Turbo Blend-46, 5 gallon (19 Liters) pail
  • AAP1405340-00295 Turbo Blend-46, 55 gallon (210 liters) drum
  • AAMB797385-00001 TurboTrac test kit comes with 4 bottles

Turbo Blend-46 comes standard with every MSG TURBO-AIR compressor and is strongly recommended for use in the MSG line of compressors.

We recommend changing the lubricant after 16,000 hours or 2 years of operation; routine lubricant changes prolong the life of the wearing components and help guarantee reliable compressor operation. TurboBlend will prevent varnish and deposits on key components that can be caused by solvent refined lubricant.

Ingersoll Rand has also developed TurboTrac to test IR lubricants for typical degradation, and to capture any abnormal deterioration in bearings, seals or gearing in its early stages. A TurboTrac test kit comes with 4 bottles (part number AAMB797385-00001).